
當我第一次看到他時,就有說不出的好感,(很曖昧!) 後來他選擇坐在我身旁的位子上時,我更是開心得不得了!(更曖昧!) 其實是因為他是班上較年高德紹的一位,有他坐在我身旁,我就顯得像小妹妹了~



同學們去北京已經快三個禮拜了。 正當我逍遙自在,差點忘了明年還要上課的時候,CC從北京給我和另一位今年不去的同學來了一封信:

Hi Ching Wen & Wesley

Greetings from BFSU/Beijing, PRC. How are you both getting on back in Singapore? It has been about 2 & 1/2 weeks that we are in Beijing. We are living well and studying a lot in Beijing. We missed both of you joining us for the various classes ie to "suffer" together. Heard that Prof Eddie Kao/NTU will be visiting us on 15 Nov 05.

Thank you for the friendship and our study partners over the pass three months in Singapore. The weather is getting colder and dry in Beijing. We are attending class from Mon to Fri 9-5pm with many homework and class exercise. Can only sleep about 6 hours each night. Quite tough and tiring for people like me ie the oldest in the class and travel to the University to study daily by taxi (you can image both the traffic jam and heavy human traffic in Beijing roads in the morning & evening ). Also need to support my fellow classmates yet need to response as good/fast as they all in the class. The lecturers (including one 72yrs old Professor) are very good and experience in teaching us. Although it is tough and demanding, it is very a good overseas learning experience for me. I am aiming to pass and be the last position to complete the course in the class on 16 Dec 05. Do you need any book related to Translation & Interpretation?

Best Wishes to you and your family and keep in touch.



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